Dr Chung ... please
(too old to reply)
Condemned Flying Rat #42
2007-03-19 19:49:47 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, the sobriety of Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD was
questioned when they said...
You are satan's sockpuppet.
I am not. You must believe in Satan to be one of his sock-puppets.
Being proclaimed a demon by Chunks is choice resume material.
Another feather for your hat of many feathers.
you must be lucky. All he ever does when I confront him with his own
rants, is run away howling.

What does a guy have to do to get a date with the devil round here?

Jeez...not like there's an exam you have to pass to get promoted to
demon, is there?

The Bells of Hell go ting-a-ling-a-ling, for you but not for me.
And the little devils have a sing-a-ling-a-ling, for you but not for me.
Oh death where is they sting-a-ling-a-ling, oh grave thy victory?
The Bells of Hell go ting-a-ling-a-ling, for you but not for me
St. Jackanapes
2007-03-21 19:27:44 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, Condemned Flying Rat #42 said...
Post by Condemned Flying Rat #42
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, the sobriety of Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD was
questioned when they said...
You are satan's sockpuppet.
I am not. You must believe in Satan to be one of his sock-puppets.
Being proclaimed a demon by Chunks is choice resume material.
Another feather for your hat of many feathers.
you must be lucky. All he ever does when I confront him with his own
rants, is run away howling.
What does a guy have to do to get a date with the devil round here?
Jeez...not like there's an exam you have to pass to get promoted to
demon, is there?
Beats me. I just have this magic touch with the religious kooks.
Something about me pushes their buttons. They've been cursing me into
the fiery lake since 1999.
St. Jackanapes of Usenet ~ Bearer of The One True Liver ~
An Ordained Minister & Holy Saint of The Universal Life Church
MY SHITTY WEBSITE: http://www.jackanapes.ws
MOCK JESUS FORUM: http://www.voy.com/20630/
"Well, how would you like to have someone come along and pick
something off of you?" - Apple Tree - The Wizard of Oz
Free Gift
2007-03-21 22:02:45 UTC
Post by St. Jackanapes
Post by Condemned Flying Rat #42
Jeez...not like there's an exam you have to pass to get promoted to
demon, is there?
Beats me. I just have this magic touch with the religious kooks.
Something about me pushes their buttons. They've been cursing me into
the fiery lake since 1999.
*** Update: The first 12 hours are now available. ***
Post by St. Jackanapes
A Workman Approved By God - Hermeneutical Study/Bible Doctrine Series
How can I determine whether someone is correctly interpreting God's
Word? In a day and age when there are over 1000 Christian
Denominations, and literally thousands of cults, (and everybody seems
to have a different interpretation of scripture), that's not an
insignificant question. So how do you know?
In a word: Hermeneutics.
Which is just a fancy word for the science of biblical interpretation.
"The best antidote to heretical teaching is a good hermeneutical
Do you want to learn how to spot error, and rightly interpret
scripture.for yourself? This is the most precise and complete series
on that subject of its kind.
Presented by: Mark Kielar
Best Hermeneutical Study and Bible Doctrine
(Systematic Theology) course on video available to date.
Description - A workman approved by God [34 video studies]
Video Presentation (MediaPlayer [600kbps])

01 A workman approved by God Becoming a Workman & The Ultimate Goal.
02 Who Can Interpret God's Word?; Who Can Interpret God's Word?
03 Who Says the Bible is God's Word? & Who's Teaching You?; Who's Teaching You?
04 Why Should We Study God's Word? & Extra Biblical Writings; Who Should We Study God's word?
05 Re-stoking the Fire & The First Step; Restoking.
06 Bridging the Communications Gaps; Bridging the Communication Gaps.
7A Why Words Matter, Part 1; Words Matter.
7B Why Words Matter, Part 2; Why Words Matter.
8A The Error of Subjective Interpretation, Part 1; The Error.
8B The Error of Subjective Interpretation, Part 2; The Error.
8C The Error of Subjective Interpretation, Part 3; The Error.
9A Literal and Symbolic Interpretation, Part 1; Literal & Symbolic.
Post by St. Jackanapes
user name: guest
password: guest
... More Available, Soon ! ... Enjoy!
-- Sig
Don't be a jackanapes!
Use alias: St. Jackanapes as a basis for counterfeit.
How to Spot a Counterfeit
"Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your
pearls before swine, lest they trample them under foot and
turn to attack you. "(Matthew 7:6 RSV)
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's
clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." (Matthew 7:15 RSV)
Overview the Bible
There's no hurry?

"The best way to drive out the devil, if he will
not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and
flout him, for he cannot bear scorn."
Heaven & Hell
The Gospel of Matthew
A Primer on Prophecy
Born once, die twice. Born twice, die once.
Wisdom of a Lifetime - Audio MP3 Collection -
The Last (5th) Horseman
The Facts About Jesus, the Bible & the Afterlife
The Way - http://john-14-6.com/john-14-6.pdf
A Tribute to THE KING
But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be
false teachers among you. They will secretly bring in destructive heresies,
even denying the Master who bought them, and will bring swift destruction
on themselves (2 Peter 2:1).
Scriptural Christianity
My Main Collection - http://Bibleweb.Info/

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Free Gift
2007-03-28 13:10:34 UTC
Post by St. Jackanapes
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, Condemned Flying Rat #42 said...
Post by Condemned Flying Rat #42
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, the sobriety of Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD was
questioned when they said...
You are satan's sockpuppet.
I am not. You must believe in Satan to be one of his sock-puppets.
Being proclaimed a demon by Chunks is choice resume material.
Another feather for your hat of many feathers.
you must be lucky. All he ever does when I confront him with his own
rants, is run away howling.
What does a guy have to do to get a date with the devil round here?
Jeez...not like there's an exam you have to pass to get promoted to
demon, is there?
Beats me. I just have this magic touch with the religious kooks.
Something about me pushes their buttons. They've been cursing me into
the fiery lake since 1999.
St. Jackanapes
Larry Jackowski, aka St. Jackanapes, said, I was having the seizures so
often that when they sat me down for an EEG, the guy running the machine
said "COOL! You just had a seizure right after I turned my machine on -
that almost never happens!" They were occurring in my right frontal cortex,
and at that location, it kept me from noticing them happening. I thought the
world had gone nuts. They kept asking me why I kept shaking and talking
to invisible people.

From that testimony, I'd say that Larry is the one whose is stupid, and
completely incompetent to talk about anybody being sub par, huh. He has
also admitted to I'll cheating on his wife, he has been soaked in sexual sin,
adultery, divorce, drunkenness, and just about everything else corrupt. He
is a model for the insane ward, by his own words! Let's apply the "Baker
Act" on dis fucker!

At the very least, he has let his (what left of it) hair down for all of us to see
him as he really is. He puts a very good mask on but he is not useful in any
respect! That's probably why he is always on the attack. He really is a
weak sub-human, (probably ask his x wife), and tries to offset this by being
tough up front. I now know what he really is!

Larry Jackowski, you are in need of continual help from a professional,
and I now really feel sorry for you! I probably will not be able to
attack you or ridicule you as I may have in the past, knowing just who and
you've have become. In comparison to your life, I am really blessed, and
I have to remind myself just how much! When I hear about Deb's life and
now LJ's life, my life has been filled with almost no tragedy, very little
corruption, and no adultery. My schooling and employment career has
allowed me to retire early and has for the most part comforting to know
I have been able to support me and my family independently,
and successfully, without physical or mental stress, unlike yours.

You DO need Jesus in your lives, as He Is your only hope.


Premarital sex always endangers future marital happiness.
It follows as night follows day. Surveys have shown that
those who were sexually pure when they went to the marriage
altar have the greatest opportunity to have a happy marriage.
You can understand why. Suppose a man says to a woman
"I love you so much I just can't wait." He talks her into giving
in to his desires. Now think about a man who loves and respects
a woman by keeping her pure. Do you see the trust that builds?
God has a wonderful plan for you. Sex is so bad outside marriage
because it's so good inside marriage.

When I NOW say "Don't be a jackanapes!", it places a much
deeper meaning to it, knowing just what a real screw-up you have
made of your life.

The only explanation for such a horrendous life is what
Dr. Andrew Chung has said, that you and many others here
are not really in control, but you do have the "Spirit of ERROR"
a demon, from the enemy, Satan, indwelling within you.

- chow!

-- Sig
Don't be a jackanapes!
Use alias: St. Jackanapes as a basis for counterfeit.
These numbers a.a.#'s 0-9999 have been revoked, and are no longer in service.
How to Spot a Counterfeit
"Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your
pearls before swine, lest they trample them under foot and
turn to attack you. "(Matthew 7:6 RSV)
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's
clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." (Matthew 7:15 RSV)
Overview the Bible
There's no hurry?
"The best way to drive out the devil, if he will
not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and
flout him, for he cannot bear scorn."
Heaven & Hell
The Gospel of Matthew
A Primer on Prophecy
Born once, die twice. Born twice, die once.
Wisdom of a Lifetime - Audio MP3 Collection -
The Last (5th) Horseman
The Facts About Jesus, the Bible & the Afterlife
The Way - http://john-14-6.com/john-14-6.pdf
A Tribute to THE KING
But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be
false teachers among you. They will secretly bring in destructive heresies,
even denying the Master who bought them, and will bring swift destruction
on themselves (2 Peter 2:1).
Scriptural Christianity
My Main Collection - http://Bibleweb.Info/

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